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CARE Urges Government to Take Action to Combat Modern-Day Slavery in the UK

Human Trafficking
19 October 2011
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19 October 2011

Christian social policy charity CARE urges the Government to do all it can to address modern-day slavery in the UK and wishes to highlight two Private Members’ Bills that address human trafficking.

Tuesday 18 October 2011 was Anti-Slavery Day in the UK. The Prime Minister will host a reception at Downing Street today to mark the occasion, and he is expected to speak on the issue of human trafficking.

The Private Members’ Bills, introduced by Lord McColl of Dulwich and Peter Bone MP, address the issues of the need for better support measures for victims of trafficking in the UK and stronger border controls to prevent victims from being trafficked.

The Human Trafficking (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill, sponsored by Lord McColl, is expected to have its Second Reading later this year. The Bill focuses on extra measures of care for victims of trafficking and stronger provisions to help secure convictions of traffickers in the UK.

Commenting on the Bill, Lord McColl said:

‘Although the Government has taken steps to combat human trafficking through its decision to opt in to the EU Directive on Trafficking, it is very important that we support them in implementing these new measures, and set in motion even more robust legislative measures to protect victims of trafficking. As the Prime Minister marks Anti-Slavery Day, I encourage him to celebrate our nation’s progress but also recognise the continuing problem of slavery in the UK today.’

The Human Trafficking Border Control Bill, initiated by Peter Bone MP, is expected to have its Second Reading on 17 February 2012. The aim of the Bill is to stop trafficking at our borders. The proposed new measures would require border agencies to intercept citizens travelling from within the European Union into the United Kingdom if they suspect the person could be a victim of trafficking, notwithstanding the free right of movement granted by the UK’s membership of the EU.

Peter Bone said:

‘It is a scandal that people can be trafficked into the UK from the European Union with impunity. Young women and children who are suspected victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation are not even interviewed at our borders. This Bill would require border agency officials to be proactive at the borders against trafficking.’

CARE hopes that the momentum from Anti-Slavery Day can be carried forward and that, through legislation such as these Private Members’ Bills, victims of trafficking can be better protected and cared for.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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