CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Never Again

Human Trafficking
4 April 2011
Crumpled woman 2 0

Rape as a weapon in the DRC, part 2

The situation is bleak for survivors of sexual violence in the DRC, and the worst is far from over. To start, victims fear the stigma of such a heinous crime. Husbands reportedly leave their wives after the incident, rejecting them and leaving them socially ostracised.

Women’s sufferings are further compounded by a lack of proper health care. For those in the rural areas of the DRC, medical assistance is rarely accessible in less than 72 hours. Survivors have no recourse to compensation and cannot seek justice through the courts because their perpetrators remain unidentified. And in small villages, often only one police officer is responsible for sexual violence investigations, and he typically relies on a motorcycle for transport, making it impossible to move suspected rapists to a detention facility.

Stories of deep suffering in the DRC are unfortunately overshadowed by current political affairs. Perhaps it is our selective aversion to stories too horrific to comprehend, or the helplessness that accompanies grave accounts of human suffering. But we implore you to stand against this.

CARE is asking you to aid in the fight against gender-based violence in the DRC by bringing this issue to the attention of the UK government to first and foremost acknowledge the situation. Amid the unified support of the international community, the UK’s policies can facilitate funding to grass-roots organisations that give aid to those affected and offer preventative education training to men and women.

Let’s shift the stigma from the women to the perpetrators and help to empower hundreds of thousands of Congolese women by making their voices heard in the UK.

One of the best ways to make your voice heard is to sign a petition, which will be forwarded to Lynne Featherstone, International Violence against Women Champion. We also encourage you to pray for the women and children of all ages who are affected by the violence and brutality on a daily basis. Pray that their cries for help will be met with practical assistance and that legal help will become accessible for women brave enough to prosecute their offenders.

The world has an obligation to uphold our promise of ‘never again’. Our commitment to fighting injustice must extend to a level of advocacy for victims of sexual violence to ensure that historical trends of sanctioned hostility and inequality towards women come to an end.

Written by Lydia Bowden

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Human Trafficking

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