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EU Directive on Human Trafficking Result

Human Trafficking
14 December 2010
EU Parliament Brussels 2 Credit Photo European Parliament 4

EU Parliament Adopts Enhanced Trafficking Directive

The European Parliament has today voted resoundingly for the new Anti-Trafficking Directive by 643 votes to 10 with 14 abstentions – great news!

The Directive was published in March but in June the Coalition Government controversially decided not to opt into the new legislation, suggesting that British law was already compliant.

That claim was strongly disputed by CARE, and other groups at the time, and still is.

Today, however, the European Parliament has significantly enhanced the Directive – interestingly with the help of British Conservative and Lib Dem MEPs – such that there is now no question that it contains important new provisions that would help Britain engage more effectively with the trafficking challenge, better serving the victims of trafficking than at present.

Nola Leach, CARE’s Head of Public Affairs said, ‘We are delighted that the European Parliament has today passed this important legislation and enhanced the Directive in the process. There now can be no question that with new provisions relating to the proceeds of crime and forced begging this Directive breaks important new ground not covered by British law at present.’

Rachel Davies, CARE’s Human Trafficking Policy Officer continued, ‘The enhanced Directive provides the Coalition government with a wonderful opportunity to give expression to the crucial Coalition Agreement commitment to ‘tackle trafficking.’

The Directive is now expected to be swiftly approved by the Council of Ministers and will complete its passage through the European institutions in the first part of next year when the British government will again have the opportunity to opt-in.

Nola Leach concluded ‘We very much hope that when the British government is given the opportunity to opt-in early next year that it seizes this with both hands. Britain, which led the way in tackling slavery in the 19th century, should not drag its feet in the 21st.’

To find out how MEPs votes use the following link, click on ‘results of roll call votes’ December 14th and go to pages 72 and 73.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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