CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Religious Liberty
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Religious Liberty
Scottish parliament

Scotland: Hate Crime Bill set for final vote

10 March 2021

MSPs at the Scottish Parliament will debate and then vote on the controversial hate crime bill for the last time today.

Religious Liberty
Humza Yousaf MSP

Widespread support for robust free speech protections in hate crime bill

2 March 2021

Analysis by the campaign group Free to Disagree has highlighted the overwhelming support for stronger free speech protections in the Scottish Government’s hate crime bill.

Religious Liberty
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Scotland: controversial hate crime bill passes stage two and moves to final stage

16 February 2021

Today MSPs on the Justice Committee at Holyrood passed the Scottish Government's controversial hate crime bill at Stage Two which means the legislation now moves to its final stage.

Religious Liberty
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Govt to appoint new free speech champion for higher education

15 February 2021

The UK Government is planning to appoint a ‘free speech champion’ for higher education and are also planning to change the law to protect free speech in universities.

Religious Liberty
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Plans to criminalise offensive words in private dwellings dropped by Law chiefs

10 February 2021

Controversial proposals to criminalise ‘hate speech’ in people’s private homes have been dropped by the Law Commission after a backlash.

Religious Liberty

Hate Crime Bill: Committee approves further changes but still no dwelling defence

9 February 2021

Today MSPs on the Justice Committee made further changes to the Scottish Government's highly controversial hate crime bill.


Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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