CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Religious Liberty
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Religious Liberty
Back of police officer 8

Labelling Non-Violent views as Extreme’ won’t help us tackle Terrorism

18 July 2017

New polling shows that half of the public (54%) think that using the word ‘extreme’ is not a helpful description when discussing political and social opinions.

Religious Liberty
Nola Leach

9 out of 10 ordinary Christians feel marginalised — CARE CEO speaks out on new survey

17 July 2017

Nola Leach, CARE's CEO speaks out on Premier Christian Communication's recent survey that revealed that 9 out of 10 ordinary Christians feel marginalised.

Religious Liberty
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Celebrating as Freedom of Conscience for Pharmacists is Recognised by GPhC

28 June 2017

CARE's Director of Parliamentary Affairs Dr Dan Boucher speaks with UCB about the importance of freedom of conscience for pharmacists in their workplace. Dan draws attention to the recent u-turn by the…

Religious Liberty
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Freedom of Conscience for Pharmacists must be recognised: U‑Turn by The General Pharmaceutical Council is welcomed

27 June 2017

Leading Christian charity CARE welcomes the reversal by The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) to protect freedom of conscience in their new guidelines.

Religious Liberty
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The Queen’s Speech – reading between the lines

23 June 2017

The Queen was in the Palace of Westminster on Wednesday to formally open the new session of Parliament. It was a rather unusual event because, for various practical reasons, there was not…

Religious Liberty
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Out of School Educational Settings Consultation Received 18,000 submissions

13 January 2017

Between late November 2015 and early January 2016 the Government held a consultation on proposals to subject any English ‘out of school educational setting’ providing educational services accessed by any child for…


Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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