CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Religious Liberty
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Religious Liberty
Xtianity in UK 12

New publication aims to help employers better understand Christian beliefs

14 September 2018

A brand new resource has been published by a group of leading Christian organisations which aims to better equip employers to understand Christian beliefs.

Religious Liberty
Lecture theatre 4

Government: free speech on university campuses must not be stifled

10 September 2018

Today the Minister of State for Education, Sam Gyimah MP answered questions regarding the importance of free speech on university campuses.

Religious Liberty
Lighthouse westcott 0

Government must protect freedom of religion

19 July 2018

The UK Government should consider introducing a legal test to ensure claims of conscience and faith are reasonably accommodated, according to a new report released today.

Religious Liberty
Debating chamber2 C Scottish Parliament 2831 05 200629 2 0

Brexit Gives Scottish Parliament Opportunity to Revisit Neglected Human Rights

26 April 2018

A Christian Public Affairs charity has called for greater recognition of the right to freedom of religion and belief in evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee. Giving oral…

Religious Liberty
Jesus manger 5w

Gordon Macdonald: Aggressive Secularism Threatens Christians’ Freedom to Mention Faith Out Loud

22 December 2017

As Christmas approaches, Gordon Macdonald - CARE for Scotland's Parliamentary Officer uses his regular column in the Friends of the Scotsman to not only spread the joy of Christmas but also to…

Religious Liberty
Nativity 8

CARE for Scotland Speaks Up as SNP Ignore Christmas in Favour of Winter Festivals’

18 December 2017

CARE for Scotland's Parliamentary Officer spoke to the Daily Express about recent information that has come to light that the Scottish Government has spent millions of pounds promoting Scotland's 'winter festivals' whilst…


Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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