CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Religious Liberty
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Religious Liberty
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New funding for places of worship in Scotland to help improve security

3 February 2020

Places of worship in Scotland will soon be able to bid for funding from the Scottish Government to improve their security.

Religious Liberty
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Council of Europe passes resolution protecting religious freedom in the workplace

31 January 2020

On Wednesday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed a resolution on the protection of freedom of religion and belief (FoRB) in the workplace.

Religious Liberty
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Students Setting Up Free Speech Societies as Concerns About University Censorship Grows

3 December 2019

Students are setting up free speech societies amidst a developing backlash against censorship on university campuses.

Religious Liberty
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Report shows rise in discrimination of Christians in Europe

20 November 2019

A report published this week reveals the discrimination Christians face across Europe, with evidence of religious intolerance and discriminatory practices increasing across the continent.

Religious Liberty
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CARE calls for more protection for churches in NI on BBC

2 September 2019

There have been almost 450 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland in the last three years, according to research we released recently.

Religious Liberty
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August 22nd: take a stand for victims of religious violence

22 August 2019

Earlier this year, the UN Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming August 22 the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.


Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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