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Gambling Commission calls for mandatory levy, but sports minister refuses to budge

26 April 2019
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The Government has refused to back calls for a new, mandatory levy to be put in place, so gambling firms provide more funding for research, education and treatment services.

Yesterday, the Gambling Commission, which regulates the gambling industry, released its latest strategy to reduce gambling related harms.

In a speech at the launch of the strategy, the chair of the Commission, Bill Moyes said ‘hard cash’ via a mandatory system was needed to increase funding for a variety of purposes.

But, speaking immediately after Mr Moyes, sports minister Mims Davies appeared to contradict the regulator when she said: “The voluntary system does work and continues to have support from government and industry.”

Government is ‘dragging its heels’

Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson slammed the minister’s response as ‘outrageous’ saying “both the regulator and the industry agree that the current levy system needs to change to increase the level of support, but true to form, this government is dragging its heels.”

MP calls for Govt review into levy

This week, Tory MP Richard Graham spoke in the House of Commons and called for a Government review of a mandatory levy on gambling firms.

He said the gambling industry makes £14 billion gross profits yet contributes a mere £9 million (or 0.06% of its gross profits) towards funding for research and treatment, via the voluntary levy system.

According to Mr Graham, a mandatory levy would increase funding which in turn would be used to help reduce gambling related harms.

CARE's response

Communications Manager, James Mildred said: "We're delighted the Commission want a new mandatory levy but it completely baffling why the sports minister seems to think the current voluntary system is working. Where is her evidence for this?

“Richard Graham MP pointed out in his speech on Wednesday that the gambling industry makes £14 billion in gross profits, as well as £200 million in advertising revenue, but only contributes £9 million towards funding research and addiction support services.

“That’s just 0.06% of its gross profits and given there is still only one specialist gambling addiction clinic in London, yet 2 million people experience some sort of gambling-related harm and 340,000 are deemed problem gamblers, so clearly this is clearly a major issue. A mandatory levy is the only way to ensure more money is raised to protect vulnerable problem gamblers.”

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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