CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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New gambling exclusion tool is changing people's lives

9 November 2018
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GamStop, the UK-wide self-exclusion scheme that allows users to block access to all licensed gambling sites has seen 38,000 players register for the solution since it went live in April. This is before the product has been officially launched!

Users choose to self-exclude for periods ranging from between six months to five years. The site links to charities that help problem gamblers and players have said the scheme has “changed their life”.

Self-exclusion is a widely accepted mechanism for protecting problem gamblers from betting shops; if someone is concerned about their betting habits they can request not to be served in by that gambler provider for a minimum of six months.

However, self-exclusion did not work online. With hundreds of gambling sites available at a click of a button, it would be impossible for problem gamblers to remove themselves from every website and get help.

CARE argued that this could be addressed simply through an introduction of a single tool that enables problem gamblers to register their self-exclusion with the Gambling Commission which would mean all licensed gambling websites would then not be able to contact them.

During the passage of the Gambling Licensing and Advertising Bill CARE worked very closely with parliamentarians for the provision of such a scheme.

Lord Browne of Belmont said: “I am extremely grateful to CARE for proposing MOSES [multi-operator self-exclusion] amendment to me and for working closely with me until we reached the point of success. If it was not for CARE developing the Amendment MOSES would not be rolled out across the UK… CARE has achieved a very important public policy success that will help some of the most vulnerable in society.”

The high volume of uptakes shows that it is a much-needed tool. We hope these numbers will push the Government to introduce more measures to tackle the gambling epidemic in the UK.

Above: CARE's Deputy Director of Public Affairs Chris Buttenshaw with Lord Browne of Belmont outside Parliament

Read more about our work on gambling here.

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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