CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Betting bosses call for statutory levy on firms

8 October 2018
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Gambling bosses are calling for a mandatory levy on their own industry which could raise as much as £100m a year to fund addiction clinics and research into problem gambling.

If enforced, a mandatory levy would mean betting companies legally required to give a certain percentage of their income to funding clinics and programmes to help problem gamblers.

The chief executive of the Remote Gambling Association, Clive Hawkswood, said a number of betting companies believe a statutory levy would ensure fair contributions from all businesses.

Voluntary or mandatory levy?

At the moment betting companies make voluntary contributions to help fund support for problem gamblers but the gambling industry – which is estimated to be worth billions - has faced severe criticism for not giving enough.

The Department of Culture Media and Sport has said it would prefer betting companies to work with a voluntary levy but that it was open to a mandatory system if that did not succeed.

Statutory levy ‘long overdue’

Responding to the call for a statutory levy, CARE’s spokesperson James Mildred said: “There are some welcome signs the gambling industry is waking up to the fact it must take more responsibility for the harm they are causing.

“It is right that betting companies play a significant role in funding support programmes and addiction clinics.

“Of course if the industry is serious about funding more support, it could increase the size of its contributions right away, without waiting for a mandatory levy to be introduced.

“That being said, the industry has had a long-time to get its house in order and the voluntary levy system is simply not working. A statutory levy is long overdue.”

Find out more

The Bishop of St Albans warned last month that gambling advertising is out of control

CARE recently welcomed proposals put forward by Labour to address problem gambling

When the new football season started, CARE raised concerns about the relationship between gambling companies and football clubs

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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