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CARE’s recommendations on gambling backed by Labour in new report

21 September 2018
Gambling machines red 6

The Labour Party’s review of problem gambling and its treatment was published yesterday. Outlined are new policies that Labour are proposing to tackle gambling across the UK.

With an estimated 430,000 problem gamblers, as well as 370,000 11-16-year old’s in the UK who gamble on a weekly basis with 25,000 of them classed as problem gamblers, Labour have recognised that significant overhaul of UK gambling legislation is needed to protect both adults and the next generation.

The review was led by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson MP. CARE welcomed the decision by the Labour Party to conduct this review and made a submission to it.

We are pleased that the Labour Party have backed a number of recommendations that CARE proposed in our submission and quoted us by name twice.

Stronger age verification is needed to protect children

“CARE, in their submission to our review pointed to a number of media reports where Gambling Operators had used cartoon or nostalgic characters to potentially lure children to betting on online games which had fewer restrictions19 and where children had been able to access gambling apps through social media without appropriate age verification checks. In the case involving apps downloaded through social media, once registering, users were sent a number of push notifications inviting them to buy coins and offering bonuses and perks. Although this game was ‘intended’ to be played by people over 21, there are no age verification checks. The minimum age to be able to get a Facebook account is 13.” p.21

Labour propose introducing age-verification checks to make sure online gambling style games are limited to over 18s only, and where there is evidence of gambling style apps being advertised to children, regulators should have sufficient powers to have the apps removed and to impose penalties.

Introduction of a compulsory levy on gambling companies

CARE have long been concerned that the current arrangement in which the Government encourages the gambling industry to make voluntary contributions to help care for problem gamblers is not fit for purpose. The total value of such contributions last year was just £8m – working out at 0.06 per cent of Gross Gambling Yield.

Our research showed that 66 per cent of men in the UK were unhappy with this arrangement and would like to see it increased and become compulsory.

“The campaign group CARE also stated that gambling companies should not have a say in the distribution of funds: “CARE believes that the sums raised by the levy should not be controlled by the gambling companies. The funds should be independent managed and distributed” CARE” – p.31

CARE was pleased that the Labour Party was in agreement that the current system in unsustainable, a mandatory levy is needed and it should be overseen by an independent board.

Other recommendations in the review

  • A proposal to introduce a new Gambling Act if a Labour Government comes to power following the next General Election,

  • Labour would outlaw in-play betting adds, banning TV and online gambling promotions during live sporting events

  • A ban on the use of credit cards for betting purposes.

  • A proposal for additional powers to be given to local authorities to prevent the clustering of betting shops in a particular locality and for impact assessments to be conducted before a new shop can be opened.

  • Closing the loophole allowing for online games to be targeted at children. Online companies should have a responsibility to not deliberately provide facilities for children to gamble.

We hope this review will spur positive change in this area in Great Britain in the coming months and years.

Read our press release on Labour’s betting reforms here.

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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