CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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CARE Calls Out Betting Ads on Sports Shirts

22 September 2017
Footydhirt 5

CARE's Tim Houston is interviewed on BBC Radio Talkback about how gambling adverts on sports shirts should be banned.

Betting ads on sports shirts are irresponsible - it normalises gambling to a very young audience. Shown completely without context, these shirts are on the backs of children's sports heroes and create the illusion that gambling is harmless, fun and without consequences. We know that is not the case.

Featured on this interview are also the brave stories of two men who are speak out about the grip that gambling had on them and why more must be done to restrict gambling advertising.

Listen to the interview in full below:

CARE's comments on this issue also appeared on Premier News. You can read the article in full here: Christian charity backs call for ban on gambling ads on football shirts.

If you would like to know more about the work CARE does on gambling and the reforms we would like to see do click here.

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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