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Government has a clear case to take action on FOBTs

31 January 2017
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  • New Report urges Government to act immediately to crack down on FOBTs

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has published its report today on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs), highlighting the devastating effects that FOBTs have had on society and calling on the Government to act.

The report states that the Government has a prima facie case for significantly reducing the £100 stake that can be wagered on FOBTs to £2. The Inquiry noted there is strong support for such a move from Members of Parliament from all political parties and in both Houses of Parliament as well as amongst a majority of the general public.

The report notes that reducing the stakes, as well as considering a reduction in the speed of spin on FOBTs, would go some way towards minimizing the harm these machines cause.

The Inquiry heard that FOBTs – known as the ‘crack-cocaine’ of gambling – have been linked to mental health problems, relationships breakdowns, debt and crime.

The report acknowledges how FOBTs are often clustered in economically deprived areas; there is a real concern that their high prevalence in betting shops in deprived areas deliberately targets vulnerable people.

The report urges the Government to act immediately on the evidence in the report as the Government has a duty to protect the most vulnerable in society and act in the public interest.

CARE’s Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Dr Dan Boucher who gave evidence to the APPG Inquiry:

“In a context where this Government has rightly set the goal of Britain working for everyone, it is clear that FOBTs don’t really fit the narrative. FOBTs certainly work for the bookmakers, but not for problem gamblers, their families or society as a whole. The recommendations this report makes are therefore very welcome and urgently needed.

There has been real frustration in communities across Britain and for councils who have very limited powers and do not have the authority to curb the number of betting shops on their high streets. It’s essential that councils have the ability to stop further clustering of betting shops in the towns they represent.

Mindful of the findings of this report, CARE calls on the Government to act now to lower the maximum stake to £2 per spin.”


Notes to the editor:

For more information please contact Dan Boucher: 020 7227 4738 or

Dr Dan Boucher gave evidence to the APG on 13 October 2016 where he presented evidence arguing, amongst other things, for a reduction in the stakes from £100 to £2.

CARE has long espoused the harmful effects of FOBTs on individuals and society and advocated for the reduction of stakes for FOBTs, noting the link between problem gambling and proliferation of betting shops with FOBTs: Research shows link between problem gambling and proliferation of betting shops with FOBTs

Read more from CARE here: ​Government to review Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals – ‘crack cocaine of gambling’

Dan Boucher talks to TalkRadio about the dangers of FOBTS here

The full APPG Report can be read here

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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