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MSPs say councils powerless to stop rapid rise in betting shops

24 November 2015
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A committee at the Scottish Parliament has said local government is powerless to prevent the increase in the number of betting shops as the betting industry is seeking to maximise revenue.

The Local Government Committee is carrying out an inquiry into Fixed Odd Betting Terminals (FOBTs) known as the ‘crack-cocaine’ of gambling because of the high speed, highly addictive nature of the games available on them.

MSPs on the committee called for Scotland’s planning laws to be overhauled so councils can take action where necessary.

Kevin Stewart, the SNP MSP and chairman of the committee, said: “As we began our inquiry into fixed odds betting terminals, it quickly became clear to us there is disquiet about the number of betting shops in communities across Scotland with void properties being replaced with bookmakers.

“There is a real concern local government is powerless to prevent the increase in the number of betting shops as the betting industry seeks to maximise revenue. We heard about one community in Glasgow where there are three bookmakers in one parade of shops, each of those bookmakers having four fixed-odds betting terminals.”

Under the Scotland Bill, MSPs will be granted power to limit the number of terminals whenever betting licences are granted.

CARE for Scotland Director Stuart Weir said: “There is a real opportunity when power is devolved to address the rise in FOBTs across Scotland. Reducing the maximum stake from £100 is a crucial first step and I hope the Scottish Government reflect on the concerns raised by the committee.”

Read more about our work on this issue here.

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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