CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Support For Online Gambling Addicts Backed By 223 MPs

26 November 2013
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PRESS RELEASE - MPs rejected a motion today calling for action to specifically help online problem gamblers. The proposal to introduce a one-stop-shop measure was put forward by Jim Shannon MP during Report Stage of the Gambling Bill currently going through the House of Commons. It was narrowly defeated by 223-283.

Nola Leach, Chief Executive of CARE, said:

"Accessing gambling on the internet is incredibly easy. We want to help online problem gamblers to protect themselves from being drawn into compulsive playing online by establishing a national self-exclusion mechanism for online gambling, known as a one-stop-shop."

"The current system means that to protect themselves a problem gambler has to opt-out of every single gambling website individually, an almost impossible task. The one-stop shop instead means that someone can make one decision to bar themselves from all gambling websites in one go."

During the debate, Jim Shannon MP explained that self-exclusion is an accepted tool to help support problem gamblers who wish to tackle their addiction. It is currently available for people who gamble in betting shops and to those who gamble on the internet, but it does not work properly online. While problem gamblers can exclude themselves from all local betting shops for a fixed period, Shannon argued that it is not practically possible for them to self-exclude from all the online gambling opportunities that are available.

Leach concluded:

"It is so important that Britain does more to support people struggling with gambling addictions in a 24/7 online world and we hope that the House of Lords will pick up this proposal in its consideration of the Bill."


For further information please contact James Mildred on tel: 07581 153693 or email:

Notes to Editors:

  1. The one-stop shop for online gambling is a solution fully supported by CARE which means that people should only have to self-exclude once from online gambling and this should cover all online providers with a Gambling Commission license. All Gambling Commission licensees would be obliged to respect this on pain of having their license revoked.
  2. CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) is a well-established mainstream Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies, at the EU in Brussels and the UN in Geneva and New York. CARE is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF, Company No: 3481417, Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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