CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Gillian Keegan

Politicians change their stance on transgender issues

25 April 2024

Gillian Keegan, the UK's Education Secretary, has revised her stance on transgender issues, stating that she no longer supports the expression "trans women are women".

Trans girl

Pause on puberty blockers for Scottish children welcome and overdue — CARE for Scotland

18 April 2024

A pause on ‘puberty blockers’ and other controversial drugs in Scotland has been welcomed by social policy charity CARE.

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Health Secretary vows to stop private providers prescribing puberty blockers

16 April 2024

Private providers will be stopped from prescribing children puberty blockers, the government has insisted.

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Cass Review highlights shocking failures in gender identity services

11 April 2024

The Final Report into NHS’s England’s gender identity services has been published. It is a devastating and at times damning report which clearly shows that ideology has been allowed to take precedence…

Trans girl

Teachers go against government advice and allow children to change gender

5 April 2024

Primary school teachers have been allowing children to change gender without informing their parents, against government advice, according to the largest survey conducted so far.

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Children will stop getting puberty blockers on the NHS

13 March 2024

Children will no longer be given dangerous puberty blockers NHS England has said, after it admitted there is not enough evidence that they are safe.

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The discussion around transgender issues can feel confusing, angry and highly polarised; we want to help Christians to understand what is going on and provide you with resources which will equip you to take part in the conversation.

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