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Marriage and Family
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Recognise marriage in the tax system, says Bishop

11 October 2012

Children will benefit from a recognition of marriage within the tax system and there needs to be a ‘cultural change’ in the way that children are viewed, said the Lord Bishop of…

Marriage and Family
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Scottish Government consultation on children’s rights closes

28 September 2012

The Scottish Government has been consulting on its proposed Children and Young People’s Bill. This Bill will incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scottish law. The…

Marriage and Family
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Call to keep praying for marriage

27 July 2012

Leading evangelical Christian groups have urged people to pray for marriage in the light of Government plans to redefine it.

Marriage and Family
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Scotland — There’s Still Hope for Marriage!

27 July 2012

Yesterday’s decision by the Scottish Government to press ahead with its plans to re-define marriage has been a great disappointment. The decision has been made despite that fact that the consultation responses…

Marriage and Family
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Two-thirds of Scots not in favour of Government decision on same-sex marriage

25 July 2012

More responses than the independence consultation, but the Scottish Government choose not to listen

Marriage and Family
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Lord Browne: The UK is alone in operating a tax system that ignores spousal obligations’

18 July 2012

CARE is very pleased that the Government has committed to recognise marriage in the tax system through a transferable allowance. The commitment was made in the Conservative manifesto and then embraced by…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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