CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Marriage tax announcement a foundation’ to build on, say CARE

30 September 2013

PRESS RELEASE - Social policy charity CARE has today welcomed George Osborne’s announcement on transferable allowances for married couples which will be in place from April 2015.

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Former Chancellor Nigel Lawson backs calls for transferable tax allowances for married couples

9 September 2013

PRESS RELEASE - Margaret Thatcher’s former Chancellor, Nigel Lawson backs calls for the introduction of a new transferable tax allowance for married couples.

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Marriage Bill moves to Committee of the Whole House

7 June 2013

On Tuesday evening the House of Lords decided to allow the Same-Sex Marriage Bill to progress to Committee Stage.

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Motion Seeking to Redefine Marriage fails at Stormont

29 April 2013

This afternoon the Northern Ireland Assembly rejected a motion calling for the introduction of legislation to introduce same-sex marriage by 53 votes to 42. This was a greater margin of victory than…

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CARE Speaks Out As Marriage Forgotten Yet Again

21 March 2013

PRESS RELEASE - CARE Speaks Out As Marriage Forgotten Yet Again

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A Budget for an Aspiration Nation’?

20 March 2013

When asked whether the Prime Minister was bothered that his childcare proposals discriminate against one-earner families, his spokesman replied simply by saying that he wanted to build an ‘aspiration nation’.


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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