CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Named Person Scheme must be Responsive to Parent’s Needs

7 March 2017

Today, John Swinney addressed parliament about plans to reintroduce the Named Person Scheme after taking into consideration the Supreme Court’s ruling that the scheme was not compatible with the European Convention on…

Marriage and Family
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Government seeks to overhaul law on SRE

3 March 2017

On Wednesday, the Government announced that it will amend the Children and Social Work Bill to make changes to the law on sex and relationships education in England which will erode, and…

Marriage and Family
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CARE’s Research on the Benefits of Increasing Marriage Tax Allowance on Premier Radio

18 January 2017

CARE's latest research on the UK tax system was highlighted on Premier this week. CARE is calling for change to the UK's individualistic tax system; we believe the best way to create…

Marriage and Family
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Current UK Tax Policy is Compounding British Fiscal Individualism Rather than Creating a Shared Society

18 January 2017

Urgent Need to Increase the Marriage Allowance Theresa May outlined in her Brexit speech yesterday her vision of a ‘Shared Society’ for all, but May cannot hope to achieve this unless we…

Marriage and Family
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New tax research published – UK falling behind in response to struggling families

18 January 2017

Today CARE has published new research into how the tax system responds to families and compares the UK system with that of other industrialised countries.

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CARE featured in The Telegraph, urging the Government to increase the Marriage Tax Allowance

16 January 2017

The Telegraph reported on polling data from ComRes, which CARE commissioned that shows 58 per cent of people support an increase in the Marriage Tax Allowance.


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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