CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Technology, Robotics, and AI

A Prayer for Robotics and New Technology

Designer and Maker of the universe, we thank You for those gifted with creativity and technical skills who are dedicated to finding better ways to live and manage our world. Please grant great wisdom and insight to use robots and AI for the good of all.



Technology, Robotics, and AI

CARE is exploring the theological, social and practical implications of advances in artificial intelligence and robotics.

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& society reflecting a better story for everyone.

At the heart of all of CARE’s work is our determination to uphold the truth that human beings made in God’s image are immensely valuable and deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion.

We want to show a better story for our culture and society, and we want to be part of shaping that in structures that we are given as citizens in the UK…

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