CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Protect Women, Save Lives.

For the past 50 years, our cul­ture has pro­moted abor­tion to women.

It has sold them the lie that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy— the only way for women to really progress in society.

Instead, around 10 million lives have been lost to abortion, and women in unplanned pregnancies are left without support.

Abor­tion has not solved women’s equal­ity. It has entrenched it.


Some want to make our abor­tion laws more extreme.

They want to decrim­in­al­ise abortion.

This will abol­ish the last remain­ing leg­al pro­tec­tion for pre­b­orn babies.

And it’s not even what the pub­lic want.

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We believe there is a bet­ter way than abortion

A way that truly supports women in unplanned pregnancies, defends those who are vulnerable and have no voice, and is life-giving to preborn babies.

If you share this vis­ion, we need your help.


Join us in build­ing a cul­ture that truly sup­ports women, and speaks out for babies who have no voice.

Explore our resources to find out more.


Why oppose the decriminalisation of abortion

Even if you support abortion in principle, this radical move goes far beyond our current, already permissive, law. Here are ten reasons why we all need to stand against decriminalisation.

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6 things the abor­tion lob­by won’t tell you about decriminalisation

This article explores some of the claims perpetuated by those who seek a radical overhaul of the UK's abortion laws, and the wide-reaching effects decriminalisation will have on all pregnant women and the legal status of preborn babies.

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Why all pregnant women should be concerned about a change to Britain’s abortion laws

It’s no secret that the abortion lobby want to change our abortion laws in Britain. However, what many people don’t know is that the change they are seeking won’t just affect women who have abortions—it will affect all pregnant women.

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Abortion up to Birth: The Next Goal for the Abortion Lobby?

What do those campaigning for the decriminalisation of abortion really want? The answer is abortion available right up to birth for any and every circumstance.

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Why decriminalising abortion will erase the humanity of preborn babies for good

Any attempt to erode the last piece of protection for preborn babies should be firmly resisted.

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Ross Hendry
Please join us in stand­ing for women and babies. Help us be their advocates.
Ross Hendry Chief Executive

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A woman sitting with a smart phone in her lap